About Us
Cars Business
Cars Business is a safe investment platform where you can invest money and get 60% profit share. We run business of cars mainly small/hatch back cars by purchasing the feasible cars and sell them at right time to right customer. Normally a car is sold within a month and returns 2 to 10% an average profit. The profit varies car to car and model to model. We buy only those that have good potential of profit, using our rich experience in past.
Business model:
- We run the business on Mudarbah model. You are Part A called as Investor (Rab ul Maal) and we are Party B called as Business men (Mudarib).
- The profit/loss sharing ratio is 60:40 where investors get 60% and company gets 40% of net profit and loss.
- We do not invest using bank or interest based loans.
- We also do not black market so that the business remains halal.
Business commodities
We run the business by buying/selling cars mainly small/hatch back cars depending on the availability and profit feasibility. We sell it at appropriate time and to potential customers and avoid black marketing. After total sales in a month, the net Profit is shared as 60% to investors.
Refund policy
Investors can post withdraw request after the sale of a car. Once the amount is recovered after sale then the investment withdraw request will be processed within 7 days one by one and depending on volume of cars sold. We do not hold investment of any investor.